Services For FDR Practitioners

this FDR Practitioners Area...

Looks to assist in providing information, resources, and tools for Practitioners to do their job to the absolute best of their ability. Because the child is your real client, and they deserve nothing less.

“Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light.”

– Norman B. Rice

Practitioner coaching/supervision

At Peter Hanson – Conflict Resolution, we prefer the term ‘coaching’ rather than ‘supervision’. 

We understand the critical role that family FDR practitioners play in facilitating effective communication and resolving conflicts. We recognize that FDR practitioners, like any other professionals, can benefit from ongoing coaching and support to enhance their skills, gain new insights, and maintain ethical standards. That’s why we offer comprehensive practitioner coaching tailored to meet your unique needs. 

What the Attorney General’s Department says about Supervision:

Anyone conducting screening and assessment should receive regular professional supervision to ensure they are working in a way which accords with good practice, and to address other practice issues. The supervision should be:

  • Provided by a suitably qualified and experienced supervisor.
  • Conducted individually or, where appropriate, in a supervisor-facilitated group, or, where specialists or professionals are suitably experienced, in a peer group, and
  • Based on individual needs for supervision.

Screening and assessment for Family Dispute Resolution | Attorney-General’s Department (

Our Coaching Approach

Our approach to FDR practitioner coaching is based on the principles of collaboration, reflection, and continuous growth. We provide a safe and confidential space where FDR practitioners can explore their cases, discuss challenges, and receive guidance from 20 plus years, and more that 1,000 mediations of experienced. 

Benefits of FDR Practitioner Coaching

Professional Development: Mediator Coaching allows you to continuously enhance your skills, acquire new techniques, and stay updated with the latest trends in FDR practice. 

Ethical Guidance: FDR practitioners often face ethical dilemmas while navigating complex conflicts. Our coaching service provides a platform to discuss and analyse ethical challenges, ensuring that you uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in your practice.

Case Consultation: Our coaching sessions can include in-depth case consultation, where you can bring forward specific cases for discussion. Will help you analyse the dynamics, identify underlying issues, and develop effective strategies to facilitate resolution. This collaborative process will broaden your perspective and enhance your problem-solving abilities.

Family Mediation Tools: We have more than 120 information sheets for clients. Dozens of template letters and an extensive collection of FDR Assessment Forms and Agreement to Mediate Forms, all of which you may customise to your own needs. 

Why Choose Us?

Expertise: Peter Hanson highly experienced professionals with a deep understanding of family mediation practices. I can bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to help you grow and excel in your role as an FDR practitioner.

Confidentiality: We prioritise the confidentiality and privacy of all our participants. Our coaching sessions are conducted in a secure environment where you can freely discuss sensitive matters without any concerns.

Flexibility: We understand the busy schedules of FDR practitioners. That’s why we offer flexible coaching options to accommodate your needs and availability.

Take the Next Step

Get in touch with us and let’s have a chat about you FDR coaching needs. Together, we can empower you to navigate conflicts with confidence, professionalism, and integrity.


Up to 1 hour – Discussion about coaching needs.


Coaching appointments are booked for 1 hour usually occuring once per month.


Stand alone or in combination with regular appointments.


Additional appointments on any aspect of FDR can be booked.


Information sheets, template letters, template Agreement to Mediate and Assessment Forms, all valuable for new practitioners.

Watch this space!

Our FDR App is coming soon.


Getting Legal Advice – Property Settlement

Questions to ask your Lawyer regarding Parenting Agreements and Property Settlements

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