There are 3 different types of Children’s Contact Service (CCS) in Australia:
1. Government-funded CCSs – these services are funded by the Attorney General’s Department and are required to operate according to administrative guidelines and practice standards. Families using these services can follow a complaints process if these requirements are not met by the service. Most funded CCS have direct links to a range of other post-separation and human services such as counselling and parent education programs. Fees are subsidized by the funding received.
2. Full Fee Paying CCSs are mostly operated by established non-government organisations that also provide a range of other human services. They may also operate a government-funded service and offer a full fee-paying option if the funded service is experiencing waiting times – these services will use the same facilities and staff as the government-funded service during different hours. They are subject to no government oversight and there is no complaints process required of these services.
3. Privately Operated CCSs are businesses that function under no government oversight. Each service operates according to its own rules. They are subject to no government oversight and there is no complaints process required of these services. Some Private CCSs provide a dedicated centre and others provide visits in areas such as commercial play centres, playgrounds and shopping centres.